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Last updated:

HAAM Gallery reception: 'Still Arts Rise II'

UPDATE: The Haitian Artists Assembly of Massachusetts (HAAM) annual gallery reception at Boston City Hall has been rescheduled to March 4, 2022 from 4:30-5:30 p.m.

March 4, 2022
  • 4:30pm - 5:30pm
  • Boston City Hall - Scollay Square Gallery
    1 City Hall Square, Floor 3
    Boston, MA 02201
  • Contact:
    Mayor's Office of Arts and Culture
  • Price:
  • Neighborhood:
  • Event Type:
  • Posted:
2022-03-04T16:30:00 - 2022-03-04T17:30:00

Based in Massachusetts and founded in January 1995, HAAM is comprised of more than 40 artists and their friends, art lovers, and volunteers. They promote Haitian art and culture through artmaking, information sharing, and Haitian-themed cultural events and celebrations. HAAM serves primarily Haitian-American artists based in New England, and collaborates with writers, musicians, and storytellers. HAAM has held more than 100 arts exhibitions and developed many partnerships throughout the years.

HAAM 2019 reception
Photo of 2019 HAAM reception.

This year's exhibit is called "Still Arts Rise II." It features the work of 10 women artists who have consistently continued to produce artworks throughout the pandemic, keeping resilient themes such as resilience, community, equity, and solidarity at the forefront.

March 4, 2022
  • 4:30pm - 5:30pm
  • Boston City Hall - Scollay Square Gallery
    1 City Hall Square, Floor 3
    Boston, MA 02201
  • Contact:
    Mayor's Office of Arts and Culture
  • Price:
  • Neighborhood:
  • Event Type:
  • Posted:
2022-03-04T16:30:00 - 2022-03-04T17:30:00
Last updated:

Indigenous public art and cultural spaces webinar

Join us for an info session to learn about our call for an Indigenous public art and cultural spaces consultant.

November 17, 2021
  • 5:30pm - 6:30pm
  • Happening virtually
  • Contact:
    Mayor's Office of Arts and Culture
  • Price:
  • Neighborhood:
  • Event Type:
  • Posted:
2021-11-17T17:30:00 - 2021-11-17T18:30:00

The City of Boston is seeking an Indigenous Public Art and Cultural Spaces consultant. The consultant should have expertise on regional Indigenous arts, cultures, and communities. They will work with the City's public art team to inform public art commissioning. They will also inform governmental approaches to art, property, and land in Boston.

We will be holding two virtual info sessions, one on November 15 at 12 p.m. and one on November 17 at 5:30 p.m.

During the info sessions, the public art team will go through the call for proposals and the application process. Join us to learn more about the opportunity and get your questions answered.

To view the Request for Proposals, visit the City's supplier portal and search for Event EV00009749.

Register for the webinar


English: Interpretation and translation services are available to you at no cost. If you need them, please contact us at, or 617-635-0081, by November 10.

Spanish - Español: Hay servicios de interpretación y traducción a su disposición sin costo alguno. Si los necesita, póngase en contacto con nosotros mandando un correo electrónico, o llamando a 617-635-0081, hasta esta fecha: 10/11

Haitian Creole -Kreyòl ayisyen Sèvis entèpretation ak tradiksyon disponib pou ou san sa pa koute w anyen. Si w bezwen yo, tanpri kontakte nou nan, oswa 617-635-0081, ant: 10/11

Traditional Chinese - 繁體中文: 我們可以向您提供口頭翻譯和書面翻譯服務,並不向您收取費用。如您需要,請在 11 月 10 日 前與我們連絡,發電子郵件至, 或致電 617-635-0081

Vietnamese - Tiếng Việt: Các dịch vụ thông dịch và biên dịch được cung cấp cho quý vị hoàn toàn miễn phí. Nếu quý vị cần những dịch vụ này, vui lòng liên lạc với chúng tôi theo địa chỉ, hoặc số điện thoại 617-635-0081. ngày cuối: 10/11

Simplified Chinese - 简体中文:  我们可以向您提供口头翻译和书面翻译服务,并不向您收取费用。如您需要,请在11 月 10 日 前与我们联系, 发电子邮件至,,  或致电 617-635-0081

Cabo Verdean Creole - kriolu:  Nu ta oferese-bu sirvisus di interpretason y traduson di grasa. Si bu meste kes sirvisu la, kontata-nu pa email, ó pa telefóni, pa númeru 617-635-0081. Na es data:  10/11

 Arabic - العربية

خدمات الترجمة الشفوية والترجمة التحريرية متوفرة لك دون تحملك أي تكلفة. إذا احتجت لهذه الخدمات، يرجى التواصل معنا على العنوان, أو، أو رقم الهاتف 617-635-4445، بحلول يوم 10/11. 

Russian -Русский: Услуги устного и письменного перевода предоставляются бесплатно. Если Вам они нужны, просьба связаться с нами по адресу электронной почты, либо по телефону 617-635-0081. до  10/11

Portuguese - Português: Você tem à disposição serviços gratuitos de interpretação e tradução. Se precisar deles, fale conosco:, ou617-635-0081. Até esta data  10/11

French - Français: Les services d’interprétation et de traduction sont à votre disposition gratuitement. Si vous en avez besoin, veuillez nous contacter à, ou au 617-635-0081, d'ici au: 10/11

Somali - Af Soomaali: Adeegyada tarjumaadda iyo fasiraada luuqadaha ayaa diyaar kuu ah adiga oo aan wax kharash ah ka bixin. Haddii aad u baahatid iyaga, fadlan nagala soo xiriir, ama 617-635-0081, markay taariikhdu tahay:  10/11

November 17, 2021
  • 5:30pm - 6:30pm
  • Happening virtually
  • Contact:
    Mayor's Office of Arts and Culture
  • Price:
  • Neighborhood:
  • Event Type:
  • Posted:
2021-11-17T17:30:00 - 2021-11-17T18:30:00
Last updated:

Indigenous public art and cultural spaces webinar

Join us for an info session to learn about our call for an Indigenous public art and cultural spaces consultant.

November 15, 2021
  • 12:00pm - 1:00pm
  • Happening online
  • Contact:
    Mayor's Office of Arts and Culture
  • Price:
  • Neighborhood:
  • Event Type:
  • Posted:
2021-11-15T12:00:00 - 2021-11-15T13:00:00

The City of Boston is seeking an Indigenous Public Art and Cultural Spaces consultant. The consultant should have expertise on regional Indigenous arts, cultures, and communities. They will work with the City's public art team to inform public art commissioning. They will also inform governmental approaches to art, property, and land in Boston.

We will be holding two virtual info sessions, one on November 15 at 12 p.m. and one on November 17 at 5:30 p.m.

During the info sessions, the public art team will go through the call for proposals and the application process. Join us to learn more about the opportunity and get your questions answered.

To view the Request for Proposals, visit the City's supplier portal and search for Event EV00009749.

Register for the webinar


English: Interpretation and translation services are available to you at no cost. If you need them, please contact us at, or 617-635-0081, by November 10.

Spanish - Español: Hay servicios de interpretación y traducción a su disposición sin costo alguno. Si los necesita, póngase en contacto con nosotros mandando un correo electrónico, o llamando a 617-635-0081, hasta esta fecha: 10/11

Haitian Creole -Kreyòl ayisyen Sèvis entèpretation ak tradiksyon disponib pou ou san sa pa koute w anyen. Si w bezwen yo, tanpri kontakte nou nan, oswa 617-635-0081, ant: 10/11

Traditional Chinese - 繁體中文: 我們可以向您提供口頭翻譯和書面翻譯服務,並不向您收取費用。如您需要,請在 11 月 10 日 前與我們連絡,發電子郵件至, 或致電 617-635-0081

Vietnamese - Tiếng Việt: Các dịch vụ thông dịch và biên dịch được cung cấp cho quý vị hoàn toàn miễn phí. Nếu quý vị cần những dịch vụ này, vui lòng liên lạc với chúng tôi theo địa chỉ, hoặc số điện thoại 617-635-0081. ngày cuối: 10/11

Simplified Chinese - 简体中文:  我们可以向您提供口头翻译和书面翻译服务,并不向您收取费用。如您需要,请在11 月 10 日 前与我们联系, 发电子邮件至,,  或致电 617-635-0081

Cabo Verdean Creole - kriolu:  Nu ta oferese-bu sirvisus di interpretason y traduson di grasa. Si bu meste kes sirvisu la, kontata-nu pa email, ó pa telefóni, pa númeru 617-635-0081. Na es data:  10/11

 Arabic - العربية

خدمات الترجمة الشفوية والترجمة التحريرية متوفرة لك دون تحملك أي تكلفة. إذا احتجت لهذه الخدمات، يرجى التواصل معنا على العنوان, أو، أو رقم الهاتف 617-635-4445، بحلول يوم 10/11. 

Russian -Русский: Услуги устного и письменного перевода предоставляются бесплатно. Если Вам они нужны, просьба связаться с нами по адресу электронной почты, либо по телефону 617-635-0081. до  10/11

Portuguese - Português: Você tem à disposição serviços gratuitos de interpretação e tradução. Se precisar deles, fale conosco:, ou617-635-0081. Até esta data  10/11

French - Français: Les services d’interprétation et de traduction sont à votre disposition gratuitement. Si vous en avez besoin, veuillez nous contacter à, ou au 617-635-0081, d'ici au: 10/11

Somali - Af Soomaali: Adeegyada tarjumaadda iyo fasiraada luuqadaha ayaa diyaar kuu ah adiga oo aan wax kharash ah ka bixin. Haddii aad u baahatid iyaga, fadlan nagala soo xiriir, ama 617-635-0081, markay taariikhdu tahay:  10/11

November 15, 2021
  • 12:00pm - 1:00pm
  • Happening online
  • Contact:
    Mayor's Office of Arts and Culture
  • Price:
  • Neighborhood:
  • Event Type:
  • Posted:
2021-11-15T12:00:00 - 2021-11-15T13:00:00
Last updated:

National Arts Program reception

Join us for the annual National Arts Program reception on November 5 from 6 - 8 p.m.

November 5, 2021
  • 6:00pm - 8:00pm
  • Boston City Hall
    2nd Floor
    Boston, MA 02201
  • Contact:
    John Crowley
  • Price:
  • Neighborhood:
  • Event Type:
  • Posted:
2021-11-05T18:00:00 - 2021-11-05T20:00:00

Every year, the National Arts Program invites City of Boston employees and their families to submit artwork to be a part of a citywide exhibition. The artwork will be on display from November 1 - December 24, 2021. An awards ceremony will be held on November 5, and selected artists will be chosen to receive awards totaling $3,450.

November 5, 2021
  • 6:00pm - 8:00pm
  • Boston City Hall
    2nd Floor
    Boston, MA 02201
  • Contact:
    John Crowley
  • Price:
  • Neighborhood:
  • Event Type:
  • Posted:
2021-11-05T18:00:00 - 2021-11-05T20:00:00
Last updated:

Jamaica Plain public art celebration

Join us on November 4 to celebrate the installation of Boston's newest piece of public art.

November 4, 2021
  • 4:30pm - 6:30pm
  • Jamaica Plain Branch of the Boston Public Library
    30 South Street
    Boston, MA 02130
  • Contact:
    Mayor's Office of Arts and Culture
  • Price:
  • Neighborhood:
    Jamaica Plain
  • Posted:
2021-11-04T16:30:00 - 2021-11-04T18:30:00

The Mayor's Office of Arts and Culture, in partnership with the Boston Art Commission, the Boston Public Library, and Boston Centers for Youth and Families (BCYF), will celebrate the new long-term public art project in Jamaica Plain on November 4 from 4:30 - 6:30 p.m.

The City of Boston commissioned Matthew Hinçman to create the artwork "Wythe & Web" as part of the City's Percent for Art Program. It was installed on the front lawn of the Jamaica Plain Branch and BCYF Curtis Hall.

Come meet the artist and enjoy Boston's newest piece of public art!

Learn more about the artwork

Jamaica Plain public art celebration graphic


English: Interpretation and translation services are available to you at no cost. If you need them, please contact us at, or 617-635-0081, by October 28.

Spanish - Español: Hay servicios de interpretación y traducción a su disposición sin costo alguno. Si los necesita, póngase en contacto con nosotros mandando un correo electrónico, o llamando a 617-635-0081, hasta esta fecha: 28/10

Haitian Creole -Kreyòl ayisyen Sèvis entèpretation ak tradiksyon disponib pou ou san sa pa koute w anyen. Si w bezwen yo, tanpri kontakte nou nan, oswa 617-635-0081, ant: 28/10

Traditional Chinese - 繁體中文: 我們可以向您提供口頭翻譯和書面翻譯服務,並不向您收取費用。如您需要,請在 10 月 28 日 前與我們連絡,發電子郵件至, 或致電 617-635-0081

Vietnamese - Tiếng Việt: Các dịch vụ thông dịch và biên dịch được cung cấp cho quý vị hoàn toàn miễn phí. Nếu quý vị cần những dịch vụ này, vui lòng liên lạc với chúng tôi theo địa chỉ, hoặc số điện thoại 617-635-0081. ngày cuối: 28/10

Simplified Chinese - 简体中文:  我们可以向您提供口头翻译和书面翻译服务,并不向您收取费用。如您需要,请在10 月 28 日 前与我们联系, 发电子邮件至,,  或致电 617-635-0081

Cabo Verdean Creole - kriolu:  Nu ta oferese-bu sirvisus di interpretason y traduson di grasa. Si bu meste kes sirvisu la, kontata-nu pa email, ó pa telefóni, pa númeru 617-635-0081. Na es data:  28/10

 Arabic - العربية

خدمات الترجمة الشفوية والترجمة التحريرية متوفرة لك دون تحملك أي تكلفة. إذا احتجت لهذه الخدمات، يرجى التواصل معنا على العنوان, أو، أو رقم الهاتف 617-635-4445، بحلول يوم 28/10. 

Russian -Русский: Услуги устного и письменного перевода предоставляются бесплатно. Если Вам они нужны, просьба связаться с нами по адресу электронной почты, либо по телефону 617-635-0081. до  28/10

Portuguese - Português: Você tem à disposição serviços gratuitos de interpretação e tradução. Se precisar deles, fale conosco:, ou617-635-0081. Até esta data  28/10

French - Français: Les services d’interprétation et de traduction sont à votre disposition gratuitement. Si vous en avez besoin, veuillez nous contacter à, ou au 617-635-0081, d'ici au: 28/10

Somali - Af Soomaali: Adeegyada tarjumaadda iyo fasiraada luuqadaha ayaa diyaar kuu ah adiga oo aan wax kharash ah ka bixin. Haddii aad u baahatid iyaga, fadlan nagala soo xiriir, ama 617-635-0081, markay taariikhdu tahay:  28/10

November 4, 2021
  • 4:30pm - 6:30pm
  • Jamaica Plain Branch of the Boston Public Library
    30 South Street
    Boston, MA 02130
  • Contact:
    Mayor's Office of Arts and Culture
  • Price:
  • Neighborhood:
    Jamaica Plain
  • Posted:
2021-11-04T16:30:00 - 2021-11-04T18:30:00
Last updated:

Grove Hall mural tour

Get outside and make City of Boston's mural map come to life in Grove Hall!

October 23, 2021
  • 11:00am - 2:00pm
  • Grove Hall Branch Library
    41 Geneva Avenue
    Dorchester, MA 02121
  • Contact:
    Spark Boston
  • Price:
  • Neighborhood:
  • Event Type:
  • Posted:
2021-10-23T11:00:00 - 2021-10-23T14:00:00

Art SPARKs, the 2021 SPARK Boston Council's subcommittee at the intersection of art and civics, is pleased to present the Grove Hall Mural Tour. Join us for a (hopefully pleasant) fall day in the Grove Hall neighborhood, where Dorchester and Roxbury meet.

Register for the event

We'll be meeting outside the Grove Hall Branch Library and handing out curatorial guides for groups to do self-guided tours and interact with community members along the route. Come learn more about the City of Boston, public art, and the amazing businesses and community groups in Grove Hall!

October 23, 2021
  • 11:00am - 2:00pm
  • Grove Hall Branch Library
    41 Geneva Avenue
    Dorchester, MA 02121
  • Contact:
    Spark Boston
  • Price:
  • Neighborhood:
  • Event Type:
  • Posted:
2021-10-23T11:00:00 - 2021-10-23T14:00:00
Last updated:

Upham's Corner RFP Site Visit

The City of Boston and the BPDA will host a site visit for potential RFP respondents.

October 19, 2021
2021-10-19T13:00:00 - 2021-10-19T14:00:00

The site visit will be held on October 19, 2021 at 1:00 PM for two RFP sites in Upham's Corner:

  • Site 1: 555-559 Columbia Road and the Strand Theatre
  • Site 2: Hamlet Street

Please use the form below to register. More details will be shared via email a week before the site visit.

Register for the site visit

October 19, 2021
2021-10-19T13:00:00 - 2021-10-19T14:00:00
Last updated:

Upham's Corner RFPs: Virtual Pre-Proposal Conference

October 13, 2021
2021-10-13T13:00:00 - 2021-10-13T15:00:00

The BPDA and the City of Boston invite members of the development community and arts community to a networking event for potential respondents to the two RFPs released as part of the implementation of the Upham's Corner Arts & Innovation District.

  • 555-559 Columbia Road and the Strand Theatre in the Upham's Corner neighborhood of Dorchester, released by the BPDA
  • 0-18 Hamlet Street, released by the City of Boston Department of Neighborhood Development

A key aim of the 555-559 Columbia Road RFP is the opportunity for synergy between the proposed development and the Strand Theatre operator. This event will provide opportunities for arts organizations and developers to connect about potential partnerships.

Who should attend?

Firms of all sizes - developers, GC’s, architects, sub-contractors, and more - as well as arts organizations who are looking for partnerships to respond to the RFPs

What’s on the agenda?

A Q&A about the RFP opportunities, a pitch session for arts and culture organizations to introduce themselves to all attendees, and a free-form session to connect with potential partners.

October 13, 2021
2021-10-13T13:00:00 - 2021-10-13T15:00:00
Last updated:

Supporting the Arts

This meeting is part of the "Let's Go Better" listening campaign, a community process aimed at gaining insights into how the City of Boston should use the federal American Rescue Plan (ARP) funds for our recovery.

September 22, 2021
  • 5:00pm - 6:30pm
  • Virtual Zoom Event
    Boston, MA 02201
  • Contact:
    Mayor's Office
  • Price:
  • Event Type:
  • Posted:
2021-09-22T17:00:00 - 2021-09-22T18:30:00

Join the City of Boston for a virtual meeting on Wednesday 9/22 from 5-6:30pm to inform the future investment of federal stimulus funds to help revive the creative arts sector in Boston! How can we best help artists, youth, and art-focused organization survive and thrive in the months and years to come?

September 22, 2021
  • 5:00pm - 6:30pm
  • Virtual Zoom Event
    Boston, MA 02201
  • Contact:
    Mayor's Office
  • Price:
  • Event Type:
  • Posted:
2021-09-22T17:00:00 - 2021-09-22T18:30:00
Last updated:

Latino Pioneers gallery reception

The Latino Pioneers exhibit is on display in the Mayor's Neighborhood Gallery on the second floor of Boston City Hall.

September 23, 2021
  • 11:00am - 12:30pm
  • 1 City Hall Square
    Boston, 02201-2006
  • Contact:
    Mayor's Office of Arts and Culture
  • Price:
  • Neighborhood:
  • Event Type:
  • Posted:
2021-09-23T11:00:00 - 2021-09-23T12:30:00

This project is a tribute to the unheard voices of the Hispanic community that with “mucho sudor - a lot of sweat” paved the way for the next generations. This exhibition is part of a larger project that consists of a series of documentaries and a magazine, featuring the stories of eight pioneers and their migration journeys.

These stories are guided by Miren Uriarte, a Boston-based sociologist whose teaching and research focuses on different aspects of the intersection of race, ethnicity and social policy. The goal of this project is to celebrate the contributions made by these leaders. The project was written and produced by Blanca Bonilla, with graphic design and photos by Lisa Link, and editing, in part, by Margaret Blood, Casandra Arevalo, and Colleen Locke.

Latino Pioneers reception flyer

A reception will be held on Thursday, September 23 at 11 a.m. on City Hall plaza. It is free to the public.

Learn more about the exhibit

September 23, 2021
  • 11:00am - 12:30pm
  • 1 City Hall Square
    Boston, 02201-2006
  • Contact:
    Mayor's Office of Arts and Culture
  • Price:
  • Neighborhood:
  • Event Type:
  • Posted:
2021-09-23T11:00:00 - 2021-09-23T12:30:00
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