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Last updated:

Melnea Cass / Mass. Ave. community discussion

Please join us for a conversation with Mayor Walsh and the Mass Cass Task Force on Monday, November 9, at 5:30 p.m.

November 9, 2020
2020-11-09T17:30:00 - 2020-11-09T19:00:00

We'll be discussing strategic planning for the Melnea Cass and Mass. Ave. area, and neighboring communities.

Join the Zoom meeting

  • Dial-in number: 1-646-558-8656
  • Meeting ID: 949 9738 3729
  • Passcode: 146301
November 9, 2020
2020-11-09T17:30:00 - 2020-11-09T19:00:00
Last updated:

Youth Development Fund information session

Applications are now being accepted for the Fiscal Year 2021 Youth Development Fund. We're holding a virtual informational session about the fund on Tuesday, October 27, at 12 p.m.

October 27, 2020
  • 12:00pm - 1:00pm
  • Virtual meeting
    via Zoom
    Boston, MA 02201
  • Contact:
    Youth Development Fund
  • Price:
  • Neighborhood:
  • Event Type:
  • Posted:
2020-10-27T12:00:00 - 2020-10-27T13:00:00

Register for the meeting

After registering, you will receive a confirmation email containing information about joining the webinar.

Registration is required — there is only room for 100 participants. However, the session will be recorded and uploaded to the Youth Development Fund website.

About the fund

This year, Mayor Walsh increased the Youth Development Fund by 100 percent. A total of $1,000,000 has been allocated to support the priorities identified by:

  • committed community partners
  • key stakeholders, and
  • dedicated City of Boston staff working with youth and young adults.

Through this RFP, the Fund will award $925,000 to nonprofits across the City. No more than 25 nonprofits will be selected to receive funding and the awards will vary in size. Applicants may request up to $100,000. No matching funds are required. Learn more about the fund.

October 27, 2020
  • 12:00pm - 1:00pm
  • Virtual meeting
    via Zoom
    Boston, MA 02201
  • Contact:
    Youth Development Fund
  • Price:
  • Neighborhood:
  • Event Type:
  • Posted:
2020-10-27T12:00:00 - 2020-10-27T13:00:00
Last updated:

Rediseño de Egleston Square reunion virtual

Participa en cualquiera de los siguientes eventos para más información y para dar tus comentarios.

November 5, 2020
  • 6:00pm - 7:30pm
  • Reunion virtual
    Boston, MA 02130
  • Contact:
    William Moose
  • Price:
  • Neighborhood:
  • Event Type:
  • Posted:
2020-11-05T18:00:00 - 2020-11-05T19:30:00

Debido a la pandemia de COVID-19, habrá varias opciones virtuales y en persona con distanciamiento social para que la comunidad aprenda sobre el proyecto y ayude a definir el diseño del área. Por favor comparte el volante adjunto y anima a otros en la comunidad a que participen en los próximos eventos y aporten a los resultados del proyecto. Esperamos verte en los siguientes eventos: 

Reuniones al Aire Libre con Distanciamiento Social:
  • Martes 27 de octubre de 10am a 2pm en el parque Robert Lawson (Washington Street y Columbus Avenue)
  • Jueves 28 de octubre de 2pm a 6pm en Egleston Peace Garden (Washington Street y School Street)
Reuniones Virtuales:

Por favor, regístrate con anticipación en los enlaces de arriba para participar en las reuniones virtuales.

As we continue to take precautions around public gatherings, we will offer virtual meetings (one in English and one in Spanish) as well as socially distant in-person engagement with Spanish interpretation for you to learn about the project and help shape the design. Please feel free to share the event flyer and encourage others in the community to attend the upcoming events to inform the project outcome. We look forward to hearing your input at the following events:

Socially Distant Pop-Up Meetings:
  • Tuesday, October 27, from 10 a.m. – 2 p.m. at Robert Lawson Park, Washington Street and Columbus Avenue
  • Wednesday, October 28, from 2 – 6 p.m. at Egleston Peace Garden, Washington Street and School Street
Virtual Meetings:

Please register for the virtual meetings before-hand using the links provided in order to receive a meeting hyperlink and dial-in information.

November 5, 2020
  • 6:00pm - 7:30pm
  • Reunion virtual
    Boston, MA 02130
  • Contact:
    William Moose
  • Price:
  • Neighborhood:
  • Event Type:
  • Posted:
2020-11-05T18:00:00 - 2020-11-05T19:30:00
Last updated:

Egleston Square Redesign virtual meeting

Join us to learn more about the Egleston Square Redesign project. We want to hear your feedback!

November 4, 2020
  • 6:00pm - 7:30pm
  • Virtual meeting
    Boston, MA 02130
  • Contact:
    William Moose
  • Price:
  • Neighborhood:
  • Event Type:
  • Posted:
2020-11-04T18:00:00 - 2020-11-04T19:30:00

As we continue to take precautions around public gatherings, we will offer virtual meetings (one in English and one in Spanish) as well as socially distant in-person engagement with Spanish interpretation for you to learn about the project and help shape the design. Please feel free to share the event flyer and encourage others in the community to attend the upcoming events to inform the project outcome. We look forward to hearing your input at the following events:

Socially Distant Pop-Up Meetings:
  • Tuesday, October 27, from 10 a.m. – 2 p.m. at Robert Lawson Park, Washington Street and Columbus Avenue
  • Wednesday, October 28, from 2 – 6 p.m. at Egleston Peace Garden, Washington Street and School Street
Virtual Meetings:

Please register for the virtual meetings before-hand using the links provided in order to receive a meeting hyperlink and dial-in information.

Debido a la pandemia de COVID-19, habrá varias opciones virtuales y en persona con distanciamiento social para que la comunidad aprenda sobre el proyecto y ayude a definir el diseño del área. Por favor comparte el volante adjunto y anima a otros en la comunidad a que participen en los próximos eventos y aporten a los resultados del proyecto. Esperamos verte en los siguientes eventos: 

Reuniones al Aire Libre con Distanciamiento Social:
  • Martes 27 de octubre de 10am a 2pm en el parque Robert Lawson (Washington Street y Columbus Avenue)
  • Jueves 28 de octubre de 2pm a 6pm en Egleston Peace Garden (Washington Street y School Street)
Reuniones Virtuales:

Por favor, regístrate con anticipación en los enlaces de arriba para participar en las reuniones virtuales.

November 4, 2020
  • 6:00pm - 7:30pm
  • Virtual meeting
    Boston, MA 02130
  • Contact:
    William Moose
  • Price:
  • Neighborhood:
  • Event Type:
  • Posted:
2020-11-04T18:00:00 - 2020-11-04T19:30:00
Last updated:

Egleston Square Redesign socially distant pop-up meeting

Join us to learn more about the Egleston Square Redesign project. We want to hear your feedback!

October 28, 2020
  • 2:00pm - 6:00pm
  • Egleston Peace Garden
    Washington Street and School Street
    Roxbury, MA 02130
  • Contact:
    William Moose
  • Price:
  • Neighborhood:
  • Event Type:
  • Posted:
2020-10-28T14:00:00 - 2020-10-28T18:00:00

As we continue to take precautions around public gatherings, we will offer virtual meetings (one in English and one in Spanish) as well as socially distant in-person engagement with Spanish interpretation for you to learn about the project and help shape the design. Please feel free to share the event flyer and encourage others in the community to attend the upcoming events to inform the project outcome. We look forward to hearing your input at the following events:

Socially Distant Pop-Up Meetings:
  • Tuesday, October 27, from 10 a.m. – 2 p.m. at Robert Lawson Park, Washington Street and Columbus Avenue
  • Wednesday, October 28, from 2 – 6 p.m. at Egleston Peace Garden, Washington Street and School Street
Virtual Meetings:

Please register for the virtual meetings before-hand using the links provided in order to receive a meeting hyperlink and dial-in information.

Debido a la pandemia de COVID-19, habrá varias opciones virtuales y en persona con distanciamiento social para que la comunidad aprenda sobre el proyecto y ayude a definir el diseño del área. Por favor comparte el volante adjunto y anima a otros en la comunidad a que participen en los próximos eventos y aporten a los resultados del proyecto. Esperamos verte en los siguientes eventos: 

Reuniones al Aire Libre con Distanciamiento Social:
  • Martes 27 de octubre de 10am a 2pm en el parque Robert Lawson (Washington Street y Columbus Avenue)
  • Jueves 28 de octubre de 2pm a 6pm en Egleston Peace Garden (Washington Street y School Street)
Reuniones Virtuales:

Por favor, regístrate con anticipación en los enlaces de arriba para participar en las reuniones virtuales.

October 28, 2020
  • 2:00pm - 6:00pm
  • Egleston Peace Garden
    Washington Street and School Street
    Roxbury, MA 02130
  • Contact:
    William Moose
  • Price:
  • Neighborhood:
  • Event Type:
  • Posted:
2020-10-28T14:00:00 - 2020-10-28T18:00:00
Last updated:

Egleston Square Redesign socially distant pop-up meeting

Join us to learn more about the Egleston Square Redesign project. We want to hear your feedback!

October 27, 2020
  • 10:00am - 2:00pm
  • Robert Lawson Park
    Washington Street and Columbus Avenue
    Roxbury, MA 02119
  • Contact:
    William Moose
  • Price:
  • Neighborhood:
  • Event Type:
  • Posted:
2020-10-27T10:00:00 - 2020-10-27T14:00:00

As we continue to take precautions around public gatherings, we will offer virtual meetings (one in English and one in Spanish) as well as socially distant in-person engagement with Spanish interpretation for you to learn about the project and help shape the design. Please feel free to share the event flyer and encourage others in the community to attend the upcoming events to inform the project outcome. We look forward to hearing your input at the following events:

Socially Distant Pop-Up Meetings:
  • Tuesday, October 27, from 10 a.m. – 2 p.m. at Robert Lawson Park, Washington Street and Columbus Avenue
  • Wednesday, October 28, from 2 – 6 p.m. at Egleston Peace Garden, Washington Street and School Street
Virtual Meetings:

Please register for the virtual meetings before-hand using the links provided in order to receive a meeting hyperlink and dial-in information.

Debido a la pandemia de COVID-19, habrá varias opciones virtuales y en persona con distanciamiento social para que la comunidad aprenda sobre el proyecto y ayude a definir el diseño del área. Por favor comparte el volante adjunto y anima a otros en la comunidad a que participen en los próximos eventos y aporten a los resultados del proyecto. Esperamos verte en los siguientes eventos: 

Reuniones al Aire Libre con Distanciamiento Social:
  • Martes 27 de octubre de 10am a 2pm en el parque Robert Lawson (Washington Street y Columbus Avenue)
  • Jueves 28 de octubre de 2pm a 6pm en Egleston Peace Garden (Washington Street y School Street)
Reuniones Virtuales:

Por favor, regístrate con anticipación en los enlaces de arriba para participar en las reuniones virtuales.

October 27, 2020
  • 10:00am - 2:00pm
  • Robert Lawson Park
    Washington Street and Columbus Avenue
    Roxbury, MA 02119
  • Contact:
    William Moose
  • Price:
  • Neighborhood:
  • Event Type:
  • Posted:
2020-10-27T10:00:00 - 2020-10-27T14:00:00
Last updated:

Blue Hill Avenue virtual office hours (evening)

Continue the conversation! Follow up with us after the community meeting to get more information, ask questions, or give comments. 

October 6, 2020
2020-10-06T17:00:00 - 2020-10-06T19:00:00

Come to our virtual office hours to follow up on the Blue Hill Avenue community meeting. Ask us questions or give comments on the transportation action plan and vision for the corridor. We are excited to continue this conversation and improve the corridor based on your feedback! 

Register here to select your specific time slot and receive the zoom link:

RSVP for office hours

October 6, 2020
2020-10-06T17:00:00 - 2020-10-06T19:00:00
Last updated:

Blue Hill Avenue virtual office hours (afternoon)

Continue the conversation! Follow up with us after the community meeting to get more information, ask questions, or give comments. 

October 6, 2020
2020-10-06T12:00:00 - 2020-10-06T14:00:00

Come to our virtual office hours to follow up on the Blue Hill Avenue community meeting. Ask us questions or give comments on the transportation action plan and vision for the corridor. We are excited to continue this conversation and improve the corridor based on your feedback! 

Register here to select your specific time slot and receive the zoom link:

RSVP for the office hours

October 6, 2020
2020-10-06T12:00:00 - 2020-10-06T14:00:00
Last updated:

Energy justice: Protect your electric account

This webinar will provide residents with the knowledge and strategies to protect their electric accounts from aggressive and deceptive energy marketers and scammers. It will also introduce an upcoming City of Boston electricity program (“Community Choice Electricity”). Mandarin interpretation provided.

September 23, 2020
  • 6:00pm - 7:30pm
  • Online
  • Contact:
  • Price:
  • Event Type:
  • Posted:
2020-09-23T18:00:00 - 2020-09-23T19:30:00



Residents frequently receive door-to-door solicitations, mail, and telemarketing calls from marketers trying to sign them up for electricity contracts. Most residents pay more for electricity once bound by a contract. In this webinar, we’ll discuss where your electricity comes from, how to avoid common pitfalls, and how to make the energy decisions that are best for you, your family, and your business. Learn more about these issues. We will also highlight an upcoming city program (“Community Choice Electricity”), which will offer a new and exciting opportunity to meet your electricity needs. The webinar will include a presentation followed by a question-and-answer session.

Interpretation accessibility icon

This webinar will be presented in English with language interpretation offered in Mandarin. Registration is required. Please reach out to by September 9 if additional accommodations are required.

September 23, 2020
  • 6:00pm - 7:30pm
  • Online
  • Contact:
  • Price:
  • Event Type:
  • Posted:
2020-09-23T18:00:00 - 2020-09-23T19:30:00
Last updated:

Energy justice: Protect your electric account

This webinar will provide residents with the knowledge and strategies to protect their electric accounts from aggressive and deceptive energy marketers and scammers. It will also introduce an upcoming City of Boston electricity program (“Community Choice Electricity”). Haitian Creole interpretation, ASL, and CART provided.

October 8, 2020
  • 6:00pm - 7:30pm
  • Online
  • Contact:
  • Price:
  • Event Type:
  • Posted:
2020-10-08T18:00:00 - 2020-10-08T19:30:00



Residents frequently receive door-to-door solicitations, mail, and telemarketing calls from marketers trying to sign them up for electricity contracts. Most residents pay more for electricity once bound by a contract. In this webinar, we’ll discuss where your electricity comes from, how to avoid common pitfalls, and how to make the energy decisions that are best for you, your family, and your business. Learn more about these issues. We will also highlight an upcoming city program (“Community Choice Electricity”), which will offer a new and exciting opportunity to meet your electricity needs. The webinar will include a presentation followed by a question-and-answer session.

Language interpretation, ASL, and CART will be provided during the webinar.

This webinar will be presented in English with Haitian Creole language interpretation, ASL, and CART services provided. Registration is required. Please reach out to by September 24 if additional accommodations are required.

October 8, 2020
  • 6:00pm - 7:30pm
  • Online
  • Contact:
  • Price:
  • Event Type:
  • Posted:
2020-10-08T18:00:00 - 2020-10-08T19:30:00
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