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Office of Historic Preservation Vision Event

Our next scheduled Vision Session for the Boston Office of Historic Preservation for Dorchester is scheduled for May 6, 2024, from 6 p.m. to 8 p.m. at the Codman Square Public Library. The meeting will also be held virtually online through Zoom.


May 6, 2024
2024-05-06T18:00:40 - 2024-05-06T20:00:00

Established in 2022, our mission at the Office of Historic Preservation is to safeguard Boston's rich cultural heritage while amplifying the voices of underrepresented Bostonians. Housed within the Environment, Energy, and Open Space Cabinet, our department includes the Boston Landmarks Commission, the City Archaeology Program, and the Commemoration Commission.

Over the next several months the Office of Historic Preservation will continue it's outreach efforts to various neighborhood groups. The presentations aim is to advocate for a new framework showcasing how historic preservation can address some of Boston's pressing challenges in environmental sustainability, social equity, and affordable housing.

Review The Slides

Can't Make it? Check out a recording of the inaugural session

Notice of AccomModation

English - Interpretation and translation services are available to you at no cost. If you need them, please contact us at or 617-635-1935, as soon as possible.

Spanish/Espanol - Hay servicios de interpretación, traducción y adaptaciones para discapacidades a su disposición sin costo alguno. Si los necesita, por favor póngase en contacto con nosotros mandando un correo electrónico a (blc@boston.govv), o llamando a (617-635-1935), hasta esta fecha: (Date: 5-1-24).

Haitian Creole -Kreyòl ayisyen: Sèvis entèpretasyon, tradiksyon, ak sèvis akomodasyon pou andikape disponib pou ou gratis. Si w bezwen sèvis sa yo, tanpri kontakte nou nan ( oswa (617-635-1935), ant: (Date: 5-1-24)

Traditional Chinese - 繁體中文: 我們可以為您提供免費的口譯, 筆譯, 和殘疾人士合理照顧服務。如有需要,請在 (Date: 5-1-24) XX 月 YY 日, 前與我們連絡,發電子郵件至 ( 或致電 (617-635-1935)

Vietnamese - Tiếng Việt: Các dịch vụ thông dịch, dịch thuật và hỗ trợ người khuyết tật được cung cấp miễn phí cho bạn. Nếu bạn cần họ, vui lòng liên lạc với chúng tôi theo địa chỉ ( hoặc (617-635-1935) trước ngày: (Date: 5-1-24)

Simplified Chinese - 简体中文: 我们可以为您提供免费的口译, 笔译, 和残疾人士合理照顾服务。如有需要,请在(5-1-24)XX 月 YY 日 前与我们联系, 发电子邮件至( 或致电 (617-635-1935)

Cabo Verdean Creole - kriolu: Nu ta oferese-bu sirvisus di interpretason, traduson y sirvisus di komodason pa gentis ku difisénsia di grasa. Si bu meste kes sirvisu la, kontata-nu pa email ( ó pa telefóni, pa númeru (617-635-1935). Na es data:(Date: 5-1-24)

Arabic - العربية

خدمات الترجمة الشفوية والتحريرية والتسهيلات لذوي الإعاقة متوفرة لك دون تحملك أي تكلفة. إذا احتجت لهذه الخدمات، يرجى التواصل معنا على البريد الألكتروني ( ،(، أو على رقم الهاتف 6176351935


Russian -Русский: Услуги устного и письменного перевода и по приспособлению инвалидов предоставляются бесплатно. Если Вам они нужны, просьба связаться с нами по адресу электронной почты ( либо по телефону (617-635-1935) до (Date: 5-1-24)

Portuguese - Português: Disponibilizamos serviços de tradução e interpretação e adaptações especiais para pessoas com deficiências gratuitamente. Para solicitar, envie e-mail para (blc@boston.govv) , ou ligue para (617-635-1935) até o dia (Date: 5-1-24)

French - Français: Les services d'interprétation, de traduction et d'adaptation aux personnes handicapées sont à votre disposition gratuitement. Si vous en avez besoin, veuillez nous contacter à ( , ou au (617-635-1935), d'ici au:(Date: 5-1-24)

Somali - Af Soomaali: Adeegyada tarjumaadda luuqadaha iyo hoyga naafada ayaa diyaar kuu ah adiga oo aan wax kharash ah ka bixin. Haddii aad u baahatid iyaga, fadlan nagala soo xiriir ( , ama (617-635-1935) markay taariikhdu tahay: (Date: 5-1-24)


May 6, 2024
2024-05-06T18:00:40 - 2024-05-06T20:00:00
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Boston Women Claim the Vote: Uncovering Stories from the 1920 Women's Voter Registers

April 11, 2024
2024-04-11T18:00:56 - 2024-04-11T19:30:00

After the 19th Amendment passed, over 50,000 Boston women registered to vote. Their handwritten voter registrations are now being transcribed and are accessible to the public. From twentysomethings to octogenarians, Boston's first women voters included housewives, factory workers, office and sales clerks, immigrants who had naturalized as U.S. citizens, black women from the South and the Caribbean, and many others. Join members of the Mary Eliza Project to hear stories of Boston's women voters and learn how to use this free online resource for your own research.

Please note that registration is required for this event as it is taking place over Zoom.


April 11, 2024
2024-04-11T18:00:56 - 2024-04-11T19:30:00
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Willowwood Rock Urban Wild Cleanup

Join neighbors and Urban Wilds staff in helping to take care of Willowwood Rock, one of Boston's oldest protected Urban Wilds. 

May 11, 2024
2024-05-11T10:00:00 - 2024-05-11T12:00:00

We will focus on picking up trash and improving growing conditions for beautiful wildflowers. There will be opportunities to learn more about Willowwood Rock and how we can work together to help this special place remain healthy for all.

No experience necessary! Urban Wilds staff will provide all necessary tools and instruction.

Rain date Saturday May 18, 10:00 a.m. - 12:00 p.m.

Please register here.   

May 11, 2024
2024-05-11T10:00:00 - 2024-05-11T12:00:00
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Credit Building Workshop

Learn how to improve your credit


April 23, 2024
  • 2:30pm - 3:30pm
  • Chinatown Branch of the Boston Public Library
    2 Boylston Street
    Boston , MA 02116
  • Contact:
    Center for Working Families
  • Price:
  • Neighborhood:
    Chinatown/Leather District
  • Event Type:
  • Posted:
2024-04-23T14:30:00 - 2024-04-23T15:30:00

Join the Center for Working Families and Boston Builds Credit to learn credit-building basics at this free workshop. Boston Builds Credit is a City of Boston program that helps residents improve their credit scores for free.

Can’t make it? Get a free financial coach and personalized action plan from the Center for Working Families by signing up for a virtual Introduction to Financial Coaching and Credit Building session. Sign up here.

April 23, 2024
  • 2:30pm - 3:30pm
  • Chinatown Branch of the Boston Public Library
    2 Boylston Street
    Boston , MA 02116
  • Contact:
    Center for Working Families
  • Price:
  • Neighborhood:
    Chinatown/Leather District
  • Event Type:
  • Posted:
2024-04-23T14:30:00 - 2024-04-23T15:30:00
Last updated:


Our Dorchester Vision Session for the Boston Office of Historic Preservation is scheduled for May 6, 2024, from 6 p.m. to 8 p.m. at The Codman Square Public Library. The meeting will also be held virtually online through Zoom.



May 6, 2024
2024-05-06T18:00:26 - 2024-05-06T20:00:00

Established in 2022, our mission at the Office of Historic Preservation is to safeguard Boston's rich cultural heritage while amplifying the voices of underrepresented Bostonians. Housed within the Environment, Energy, and Open Space Cabinet, our department includes the Boston Landmarks Commission, the City Archaeology Program, and the Commemoration Commission.

Over the next several months the Office of Historic Preservation will continue it's outreach efforts to various neighborhood groups. The presentations aim is to advocate for a new framework showcasing how historic preservation can address some of Boston's pressing challenges in environmental sustainability, social equity, and affordable housing.

Review Slide Deck

Notice of accommodationS

English - Interpretation and translation services are available to you at no cost. fI you need them, please contact us at or 617-635-1935, as soon as possible.

Spanish - Espanol - Hay servicios de interpretación, traducción y adaptaciones para discapacidades a su disposición sin costo alguno. Si los necesita, por favor póngase en contacto con nosotros mandando un correo electrónico a (blc@boston.govv), o llamando a (617-635-1935), hasta esta fecha: (Date: 5-1-24).

Haitian Creole -Kreyòl ayisyen: Sèvis entèpretasyon, tradiksyon, ak sèvis akomodasyon pou andikape disponib pou ou gratis. Si w bezwen sèvis sa yo, tanpri kontakte nou nan ( oswa (617-635-1935), ant: (Date: 5-1-24)

Traditional Chinese - 繁體中文: 我 們 可 以 為 您 提 供 免 費 的 又 譯,筆譯,和殘疾人士合理照顧服務。 如 有 需 要, 請 在 (Date: 5-1-24 )X X 月 Y Y 日,前 與 我 們 連 絡,發電子郵件至 (bl L C A @ b o s t o n . g o v 或 致 電 (6 1 7 - 6 3 5 - 1935)

Vietnamese - Tiếng Việt: Các dịch vụ thông dịch, dịch thuật và hỗ trợ người khuyết tật được cung cấp miễn phí cho bạn. Nếu bạn cần họ, vui lòng liên lạc với chúng tôi theo địa chỉ ( hoặc (617-635-1935) trước ngày: (Date: 5-1-24)

Simplified Chinese- 简体中文: 我们可以为您提供免费的又译,笔译,和残疾人士合理照顾服务。如有需要,请在 (5-1- 2 4 )X X 月 Y Y 日 前 与 我 们 联 系 ,发 电 子 邮 件 至 ( ) LCA@bosto 或 致 电 (6 1 7 - 6 3 5 - 1 9 3 5 )

Cabo Verdean Creole - kriolu: Nu ta oferese-bu sirvisus di interpretason, traduson y sirvisus di komodason pa gentis ku difisénsia di grasa. Si bu meste kes sirvisu la, kontata-nu pa email ( ó pa telefóni, pa númeru (617-635-1935). Na es data: (Date: 5-1-24)

Russian -Русский: Услуги устного и письменного перевода и по приспособлению инвалидов предоставляются бесплатно. Если Вам они нужны, просьба связаться с нами по адресу электронной почты ( либо по телефону (617-635-1935) до (Date: 5-1-24)

Portuguese - Português: Disponibilizamos serviços de tradução e interpretação e adaptações especiais para pessoas com deficiências gratuitamente. Para solicitar, envie e-mail para (blc@boston.govv), ou ligue para (617-635-1935) até o dia (Date: 5-1-24)

French - Français: Les services d'interprétation, de traduction et d'adaptation aux personnes handicapées sont à votre disposition gratuitement. Si vous en avez besoin, veuillez nous contacter à (, ou au (617-635-1935), d'ici au:(Date: 5-1-24)

Somali - Af Soomaali: Adeegyada tarjumaadda luuqadaha iyo hoyga naafada ayaa diyaar kuu ah adiga oo aan wax kharash ah ka bixin. Haddii aad u baahatid iyaga, fadlan nagala soo xiriir ( , ama (617-635-1935) markay taariikhdu tahay: (Date: 5-1-24)

May 6, 2024
2024-05-06T18:00:26 - 2024-05-06T20:00:00
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Homebuyer Readiness Workshop

Presented by MassHouing. If you are interested in buying a home some day, this is the place to start!

April 25, 2024
2024-04-25T10:00:00 - 2024-04-25T11:00:00

In this workshop, you will learn:

  • How a mortgage works and how to get one
  • How a credit score affects your ability to get a loan
  • What the hidden costs are to buying a home
  • How much do you need to save for a down payment
  • Where you can get free resources to make the process easier.
April 25, 2024
2024-04-25T10:00:00 - 2024-04-25T11:00:00
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Taller de Preparación para Compradores de Vivienda por MassHousing / Homebuyer Readiness Workshop by MassHousing (in Spanish)

April 11, 2024
2024-04-11T10:00:00 - 2024-04-11T11:00:00

Presentado por MassHousing. Si está interesado en comprar una casa, este es el lugar para comenzar. En este taller, aprenderás:

  • Cómo funciona una hipoteca y cómo obtener una
  • Cómo un puntaje de crédito afecta su capacidad para obtener un préstamo
  • ¿Cuál es el costo inicial de comprar una casa?
  • ¿Cuánto necesita ahorrar para un pago inicial?
  • Donde puede obtener recursos gratuitos para facilitar el proceso

This workshop is being presented in partnership with MassHousing and will cover the following:

  • How a mortgage works and how to get one
  • How a credit score affects your ability to get a loan
  • What are the hidden costs of buying a home
  • How much do you need to save for a down payment
  • Where you can get free resources to make the process easier
  • Income requirements
  • Type of property available
  • Down payment assistance
April 11, 2024
2024-04-11T10:00:00 - 2024-04-11T11:00:00
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Retirement Planning Workshop with Chase Bank

Reason for cancellation: Rescheduled
April 18, 2024
2024-04-18T12:00:00 - 2024-04-18T13:00:00

This workshop reviews different retirement benefits and accounts, such as IRA retirement accounts, pension funds, Social Security benefits, and life insurance.

April 18, 2024
2024-04-18T12:00:00 - 2024-04-18T13:00:00
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Intro Financial Coaching and Credit Building

April 23, 2024
2024-04-23T10:00:00 - 2024-04-23T11:00:00

A good credit score saves you money by opening the door to cheaper loans, better credit card offers, and greater job and housing opportunities. Fortunately, a credit score doesn’t depend on how much money you have; it only depends on your ability to follow some basic rules. In this workshop, you can learn:

  • The formula to increase your credit score.
  • How to read a credit report.
  • How to start working one-on-one with a Financial Coach!
April 23, 2024
2024-04-23T10:00:00 - 2024-04-23T11:00:00
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Intro Financial Coaching and Credit Building

April 17, 2024
2024-04-17T18:30:00 - 2024-04-17T19:30:00

A good credit score saves you money by opening the door to cheaper loans, better credit card offers, and greater job and housing opportunities. Fortunately, a credit score doesn’t depend on how much money you have; it only depends on your ability to follow some basic rules. In this workshop, you can learn:

  • The formula to increase your credit score.
  • How to read a credit report.
  • How to start working one-on-one with a Financial Coach!
April 17, 2024
2024-04-17T18:30:00 - 2024-04-17T19:30:00
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